Video Creation School/Editing/Audio Recording Tips

Audio Recording Tips

Thursday, December 29, 2022

If you have a good looking video with bad audio, you have a bad video.

When I first started shooting video at weddings my audio was always hit or miss.


Because I didn't know what I was doing. I was using the wrong audio recorders and had them set to the wrong mode.

These two mics are great for improving your audio if you use them correctly.

The Deity gets a bad wrap in this video, not gonna lie... but it's honestly not a bad mic at all!

•It plugs directly into your camera so there is no post production audio syncing.
•It doesn't require any batteries like other mics.
•It can record in front of & behind the camera!
•It comes with wind screens for those windy times.

However, you can't just throw that mic on a camera and get amazing audio all of the time. If you are going to be more than a couple feet away, you might want to look at getting another mic solution.

That's where my Tascam Dr-10L comes in!

•This is a lavalier Mic that clips right onto the talent so you are always close to the mic.
•It lasts a long time on 1 triple A battery.
•It dual records which means it records 1 audio recording set to the input volume you select (low, medium, or high) and it also records 1 audio recording at 10 decibels less in case the audio gets loud all of a sudden.
• It has great range, I'm usually recording on low volume input if there is one person talking. I put it on medium if there are two people.

I used this mic when recording wedding ceremonies and I would put one of these on the groom to capture the bride and groom with great quality!

My Rule of Thumb:

If you are going to be vlogging then I typically go with the Deity V-Mic D40. I will only use the other mic if I can't be close to the camera.

When I need great audio and it's not in vlog format, I reach for the Tascam. It's going to sound more professional.

me smug jpg

Hi, I Am
Matt Peet

VCS Creator/Host

I travel around the country shooting videos for entrepreneurs and conferences to help them sell more stuff. I am taking that knowledge and passing it on to you so you can sell more!